Collection Development Policy

For the database that powers TeachingBooks.
Revised August, 2024


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I. Mission Statement

The TeachingBooks mission is to equitably give all readers insights and opportunities that deepen their understanding and joy of the books they are reading.


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II. Collection Definition

TeachingBooks compiles and maintains a collection of authoritative online resources about books and book creators that are of interest to children and young adults. This collection includes originally produced materials, as well as professionally vetted online resources created by others.


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III. Community Profile

The TeachingBooks database is designed for anyone who uses books with children and teens in an educational context, including educators in public, charter, private, and independent schools; homeschooling environments; higher education institutions; and public libraries.


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IV. Collection Goals

The primary goal of the collection is to help readers think in new ways about the books they are reading and the people who created them.

The TeachingBooks collection strives to offer relevant and engaging materials that support:

  • informed discussions about books in all facets of PreK–12+ school life
  • the teaching of specific books used in PreK–12+ schools
  • integration of books across the curriculum, throughout the PreK–12+ school environment
  • the use of reading lists and programs
  • the engagement of PreK–12+ students' interest
  • the use of books that represent a diverse range of histories, cultures, experiences, and perspectives

TeachingBooks works to be of relevance to educators in subjects across the curricula. The collection includes resources used for instructional purposes and supporting enrichment through independent reading.


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V. Selection Responsibility

The TeachingBooks Collection Development Policy is managed by the TeachingBooks Collection Development Manager. TeachingBooks requires that its Collection Development Manager is a librarian who holds an ALA-accredited graduate degree. The Collection Development Manager follows professional collection development theory and practice—including the principles of intellectual freedom—to develop a well-rounded collection.

A team of professional librarians at TeachingBooks approves materials for the collection in accordance with this policy.


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VI. Selection Criteria

VI. A. Scope of the Collection

The TeachingBooks collection includes high-quality materials about authors, illustrators, and trade books for children and young adults that are likely to be used in classrooms and found in libraries serving PreK–12+ youth.

Resources are included in the collection based on their potential use by PreK–12+ educators, university instructors, and public librarians for research, planning, and use with their students/readers.

The collection is built around books for children and teen readers, including adult crossover books that have appeal to young adults, and is comprised of resources about those books and their creators. The Collection Development Team makes collection development decisions regarding which PreK–12+ titles are included in the database based on the availability of associated resources relevant to educational settings or the PreK–12+ audience.

TeachingBooks primarily collects titles available in the United States, Canada, and other markets with a significant number of customers.

TeachingBooks features not covered by this policy include sidebar games & activities, text complexity measures, publisher book descriptions, book samples, professional reviews, and links to purchase ebooks.

VI. B. Categories of Resources

TeachingBooks creates and/or collects online resources that fall into three broad categories: resources about authors/illustrators, resources about books, and lists of books and book creators.

Author/Illustrator resources include, but are not limited to:

  • interviews, essays, and speeches (in video, audio, or text formats)
  • name pronunciations
  • personal websites
  • headshots

Book resources include, but are not limited to:

  • lesson plans, discussion questions, and activities
  • audio and video readings of books (either excerpts or full-length)
  • video book trailers
  • official websites about books or series
  • websites for adaptations based on books or series
  • vocabulary lists
  • book annotations

Lists of books and book creators include, but are not limited to:

  • international, national, regional, and state awards
  • state-wide recommended reading lists
  • lists on a theme or curricular topic

Examples of resources that do not fit into the above categories and thus are not included in the collection are ebooks, book reviews, and short promotional blurbs about authors/illustrators.

VI. C. Originally Produced Resources

TeachingBooks original productions include Guest Blog Posts, Meet-the-Author Book Recordings, Meet-the-Author Movies, Customizable Lessons, and Printables. The authors/illustrators TeachingBooks chooses to collaborate with are selected with the goal of representing a wide cross section of books and book creators. When considering potential opportunities, the following criteria are considered:

  • potential or actual use of creator's books in classrooms, library activities, literacy programs, or educational courses
  • demographic diversity
  • subject area expertise
  • grade level ranges
  • award recognitions
  • publisher relationships
  • customer requests

In addition to the original TeachingBooks productions noted above, TeachingBooks offers a system for book creators to share recordings of how to pronounce their name. Audio Name Pronunciations are accepted from authors and illustrators who have published one or more trade books that meet our selection criteria.

VI. D. Non-Originally Produced Materials

TeachingBooks reviews whether an electronic resource meets one or more of the following criteria for alignment with the TeachingBooks mission by:

  • providing information about the background of the book’s creation by the author or illustrator
  • encouraging the reader to think about the text or illustrations in a new way
  • opening discussions about a variety of cultural and individual experiences
  • supporting the use of books in learning environments

VI. D.1. Creators' Authority and Reliability

The creators of the resources are evaluated for their authority and reliability. Creators of the resources in the database can include:

  • the publisher, author, or illustrator of a specific book
  • educational and library-centered entities and organizations
  • individuals or entities with a background in children's literature, young adult literature, education, librarianship, and/or reading/literacy
  • subject-matter experts
  • media outlets

VI. D.2. Format and Technical Integrity

Ideally, resources are well designed and have minimal commercial distractions. If the content of a resource is deemed potentially useful to an educator, any potential negative design aspects of that resource will be weighed against its potential usefulness in determining whether to include it in the collection.

TeachingBooks links to many resources which are not hosted on our own servers and therefore cannot control the availability of these links. If the hosting party removes the resource, TeachingBooks staff will remove the link from the database as quickly as possible. Resource files uploaded to our server must be formatted for commonly used file viewers or players.

VI. D.3. Access

All resources provided by TeachingBooks are available for anyone using the TeachingBooks website and do not require additional user registrations or fees. Where necessary, TeachingBooks arranges for open access for our subscribers through permission from copyright holders.

VI. D.4. Accessibility

TeachingBooks strives to make the resources within its control accessible. However, the Collection Development team is not able to evaluate or guarantee the accessibility of resources created and controlled by third parties. In selecting resources, members of the Collection Development team give preference to those that adhere to accessibility best practices, for example, offering audio content in an alternate format such as a transcript.


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VII. Weeding

Resources are weeded under the following circumstances:

  • Duplicative: To respect customers' time by presenting only meaningful choices, TeachingBooks may remove items that offer very similar content to other items. In this case, members of the Collection Development team give preference to keeping resources deemed most accessible, authoritative, current, useful, or appealing.
  • Irrelevant If TeachingBooks becomes aware of a resource that is outdated or no longer as potentially useful as initially deemed, TeachingBooks may remove the resource.

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VIII. Intellectual Freedom

This Collection Development Policy reflects the philosophy and goals of TeachingBooks and supports the principles of intellectual freedom described in the Library Bill of Rights and other position statements on intellectual freedom from the American Library Association (ALA) and the American Association of School Librarians (AASL).

Every resource in the database has been selected based on its potential to deepen a reader's understanding and enjoyment of a book. TeachingBooks includes a wide variety of resources to support that end, knowing that the right resource for one person is not necessarily right for another. Individuals decide for themselves which resources will be most useful for their purposes.

Educators will share TeachingBooks resources they deem useful with children and teens. As with any educational resource, TeachingBooks assumes educators will evaluate all materials before sharing them.

Useful intellectual freedom resources that TeachingBooks consults include:


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IX. Reconsideration Procedure

TeachingBooks customers may request that TeachingBooks reconsider the inclusion of a resource (or resources by a single creator/resource producer). To initiate this process, email


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X. Policy Review and Revision

This Collection Development Policy and its associated procedures are reviewed, revised, and approved by TeachingBooks's professional librarians and leadership on a regular basis.

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