Book Description
for Belle's Journey by Rob Bierregaard and Kate Garchinsky
From Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC)
Rob Bierregaard, or “Dr. B,” has been studying ospreys since 1971. One summer on Martha’s Vineyard, he and his partner attach a tiny satellite to a fledgling they name Belle. They observe and monitor Belle as she learns to fly and catch fish. When she leaves on her first migratory journey at the end of the summer, they have only the transmitter to follow Belle, who flies straight over the Atlantic, getting caught in a hurricane before heading south. She stays for 1.5 years in South America before heading home, up through Florida and along the coast. Although Bierregaard had no way of knowing many of the specifics of Belle’s experiences, he’s used informed conjecture based on his knowledge of ospreys to create an engaging, highly dramatic narrative grounded in fact. The inclusion of two children, George and Ella, who met Dr. B the summer he tagged Belle and follow her journey online through the satellite transmissions, sometimes emailing him questions when they’re worried, adds another wonderful element to this informational book featuring occasional full-page and spot illustrations. (Ages 8–11)
CCBC Choices 2019. © Cooperative Children's Book Center, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison, 2019. Used with permission.